Sunday, February 21, 2010


haizhaiz~~whole week holiday just past like tat liao...
haizhaiz~~nothing have been done during this holiday...
haizhaiz~~why am i so lazy and do not want to put effort on it...
haizhaiz~~before planning want to study but finally fail to do that...
haizhaiz~~why they always come back here and just made many shit complain...
haizhaiz~~why am i want care many things...
haizhaiz~~can i just leave out everythings and just lead my own life...
haizhaiz~~why we need to exam and give us the pressure on it...
haizhaiz~~most important is.....the angpou have been less than last year...
haizhaiz~~maybe what i am "haiz" at here is just a very simple problem...
haizhaiz~~but for me...i think i have past a very bad holiday and CNY...
haizhaiz~~so tired la!!!!!!!!!!!need a rest la!!!!!!!!!!

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